译文 | 我刚删了 iPhone 里一半的应用——你也该删

按:沃特·莫斯伯格(Walt Mossberg)是美国知名的资深科技记者,现在科技媒体 The Verge 担任执行编辑,兼任 Recode 的总编,并在两站上设有以自己名字命名的每周专栏,内容主要为科技评论和设备评测。本文译自他 2016 年 7 月 20 日发表在该专栏中的文章 I just deleted half my iPhone apps — you should too。 Pokémon Go 也许算是引发了轰动,可 App Store 的 […]

译文 | 「技术故障」

一周前,Diamond Reynolds 的男友 Philando Castile 在一次常规的交通拦截中被警察开枪击中。她很快打开了 Facebook 的直播功能,记录了她对事件经过的描述、也拍下了她与警官发生的冲突。这段视频立刻像野火一般四处传播。 然后视频就消失了。 大约一小时以后,视频又重新出现,这回打上了一个标记「警告——包含可能令人不适的场景」。 人们质疑,视 […]

译文 | 苹果之野望:统治音乐产业

苹果对音乐的执念仍然不为人所知——大多数人都只把关注点聚集在 Apple Music 和 Spotify 间付费流播(music streaming)服务的用户争夺战上。然而,苹果更让人感兴趣的发展方向,在于对音乐市场认知度的抢夺。苹果当前的目标,在于动用自己强大的资金储备,把控音乐行业的话语权,并在这一过程中挤占流播行业的全部生存空间。 […]


大礼议,是明世宗朱厚熜登基后,与朝臣因生父称号问题引起的一场论争。当时,以杨廷和、毛澄为首的正德旧臣认为,世宗按兄终弟及继承堂兄武宗的帝位,相当于过继给武宗之父孝宗,因大礼议,是明世宗朱厚熜登基后,与朝臣因生父称号问题引起的一场论争。当时,以杨廷和、毛澄为首的正德旧臣认为,世宗按兄终弟及继承堂兄武宗 […]

An Alternative Chinese Translation of Jesse Jackson's 1984 DNC Address

This is not a perfect party. We are not a perfect people. Yet, we are called to a perfect mission. Our mission: to feed the hungry; to clothe the naked; to house the homeless; to teach the illiterate; to provide jobs for the jobless; and to choose the human race over the nuclear race. 吾党并非至善之党,吾人亦非至善之人,然则应召以竟至善之业。曰:赈饥馑而衣短褐,庇寒士而教愚人,创公职以纳无业,避核战以趋人性。 My constituency is the desperate, the damned, the disinherited, the disrespected, and the despised. 居于选区者,或亡命,或多舛,或丧产,或 […]

Keynote | Security v. Privacy

Good morning, everyone. Today I'd like to share a special case with you, which is called Privacy v. Security. Imagine that you were an officer of the FBI. You just caught some terrorists who cruelly killed 14 people in San Bernardino. To get more information about their crime, you want to take a look into their phone, an iPhone 5c. However, it was protected by password. Normally, for guys working in the FBI, a 4-digit password is nothing more than a piece of cake - you can bypass it within 10,000 attempts, which can be easily done automatically and shortly with an external machine attached to the phone. However, the reality seems a bit tougher. Designed with concern of security, the iPhone refuses electronic password input, and the more failed attempts you made, the longer you'll have to wait before your next input, which may make the process drastically longer. […]

Chenyang Hsu’s Mac and iOS Setup

This interview was first seen on The Sweet Setup and edited by Jeffrey Abbott. Some of my setups have changed or are subject to changes with time. Who are you and what do you do? I’m Chenyang Hsu, a law student living in Beijing. Aside from law, I’m fascinated with technology, especially related to internet and digital. I’m interested in facilitating everyday life with digital devices and am always finding methods to improve productivity. I find Apple products are good companions on my way to improve myself. In my free time, I work in student union in charge of the department of publicity where I can exploit my skills in digital designing with Photoshop, InDesign, and Sketch. The next goal for me is to learn video-editing skills. What is your current setup? My current setup is an early-2015 13″ Retina MacBook Pro […]


(一) 设想你是罗马共和国公元前 63 年的执政官。在前一年度的竞选中,一位纨绔贵族败给了你,一个没有任何家族背景的「新人」。他对此记恨在心,因为他原本是指望通过当选执政官,捞取一笔政治资本,然后借任期满后外派当行省总督的机会,搜刮钱财来走出经济上的困境的。而这计划被你完全打乱了。他不甘心失败,一边着手准备 […]

The renaissance of sound as a medium, a presentation

Good morning everyone. Once upon a time, radio was the main conduit of getting information for most people. Over the air, they heard about news, listened to music, and tuned between channels talking about topics they were interested in. Gone were the days when families gathered round to listen to their favorite broadcast. The dominance of sound as the medium of information had been replaced by vision, at first on TV, and nowadays on touch screens. We've been so pleased by visual contents that hardly can we understand those days when we can only catch information by our ears. But vision has its inferiority: it is attention-absorbing. And that means: It may cost you too much time browsing all those attracting contents, such as YouTube videos, Tumblr articles and Twitter updates; It's unfriendly to multitasking: you'd better not stare at your iPhone when driving, or you may either be fined, or risk your life. […]

Understand WeChat The Hard Way

前两天,我在国外科技网站 a16z 上看到了一篇题为《When One App Rules Them All: The Case of WeChat and Mobile in China》(当一个 App 统治一切:微信与移动互联网在中国)的文章。文章中,作者从五个角度论述了微信的工作原理,展示了微信作为中国第一大移动平台包罗万象、从线上延伸到线下的强大覆盖能力。在文章的最后,作者赞许地表示: WeChat reveals what […]