译文 | ‘The Developer Migration’

Jun. 20, 2018

WWDC 每年开场视频的固定主题都是向开发者致敬。相比于几次往年视频以开发者的作品——应用——为主角,今年的视频直接聚焦于这个群体本身,用比喻的手法将全球开发者前来参会的情景描绘为一个「物种」大迁徙的过程,以生物观察的视角和纪录片式的口吻勾勒了 WWDC 会场中的片段。



Northern California’s Bay Area. Here is the stage for a truly remarkable natural occurrence. 北加州的湾区,一场非凡自然景象上演的舞台。

Every year, a great migration is made by one of the world’s most mysterious species. 每年一度,世界上最神秘的物种之一,都在此进行一场宏大的迁徙。

To reach this utopian destination, these unique mammals will instinctively embark on a nomadic journey from all corners of the world. 这群独特的哺乳动物,从世界的各个角落本能地踏上一场流浪之旅,只为到达这个理想之地。

This is the Developus Tritorapsus. Or as it is more commonly known, the developer. 它们就是 Developus Tritorapsus,也就是我们一般所说的「开发者」。

Eleven and a half months of hibernation has taken its toll, and the sun is harsh as these nocturnal, cave-dwelling creatures must greet daylight. 这群夜行穴居的生物,已被十一个半月的蛰居劳其筋骨;尽管烈日炎炎,也必须迎战阳光。

For most, this momentous migration is their first. While for a select few, the pilgrimage is a time-honored tradition. 它们中的大多数是第一次参与这样宏大的迁徙;但对少数精英者,这番朝圣已成为一项古老的传统。

Originating in the remote garages of Silicon Valley, developers evolved at an unprecedented speed. To understand how, we must observe them here in their sacred temple. 开发者始源于硅谷偏僻的车库,以史无前例的速度进化。只有在它们的这座圣殿里观察,才能知道这进化是如何实现的。

And so, it begins. 集会这就开始了。

As developers congregate at the event, access to the herd can be hard to come by. For some, blending in is easier said than done. 尽管开发者们汇聚一堂,接近它们的种群可能并非易事。对于其中某些,融入群体是说起来容易,做起来难。

To distinguish themselves, developers identify each other through decorative tribal symbols. These extraordinary plumages are designed to entice and attract. 为了彼此区分,开发者们用装饰性的部族符号识别各自身份。它们身披非凡羽毛,只为招徕目光。

Here, a pack of rogue younglings at play. The safety of numbers allows them to — 看这儿,一撮小淘气们正在嬉闹。它们仰仗势众,不惧——

Oh, wait a moment. They have now entrapped an indigenous, silver-crested king developer. Although tempting, one may look at but not touch the mane. 啊,等等。它们这又围住了一个土生土长、银色羽冠的开发者之王;它的密发令人称羡,但只可远观,不可亵玩。

The feeding frenzy at the great gathering. Moving in like a pack of famished piranhas, this frugal breed will spare no morsel. Those who can, pull rank on prime cuts. 再看这场宏大集会中进食的盛况。像饥肠辘辘的肉食猛兽一样,它们鱼贯而入。这是一个不会浪费的族群,吃起来永远是狼吞虎咽。谁有本事,谁就推开行伍,抢下最大一杯羹。

The event culminates in what is known as the Keynote. As the doors open, a behavioral anomaly can be found: developers running at full speed, battling to secure a coveted front-row seat. 集会的高潮被称作「主题演讲」。随着大门打开,我们观察到一种异常举止:开发者们全速奔跑,争相抢占它们垂涎的前排座位。

Following the ceremony, the latest beta software is unleashed. It’s nature at its cruelest. Only the strongest apps will survive. 盛典之后,最新的测试版软件脱缰而出,展现出它最残忍的本性,只有最强健的应用才能幸存。

The many languages of the developer are a mystery to modern science. Just look at these letters, symbols, formulas, and mumbled jargon. Only these enlightened shamans can decode their true meaning. 开发者们使用的众多语言是现代科学之谜。看看这些字母、符号、公式,还有含义模糊的黑话。只有那些智慧的萨满能解开它们真正的含义。

The creative bonds formed during the great migration will enable these geniuses to unlock our future world. 在这场宏大的迁徙中,这群天才的生物结成了创造力的羁绊,这将让它们打开未来世界的大门。

The developer is no doubt a species. Scientists will continue to study for millennia. 毫无疑问,开发者就是一个物种,科学家还会接着研究它们,花上千年。

Welcome home developers. 开发者们,欢迎回家。