Chenyang “Platy” Hsu

Editor. Currently at SSPAI.

Reachable in Shenzhen physically, at me(at) over port 25, and with the handle “platyhsu” elsewhere.

Scroll down for my recent writings (RSS, archive). You’re also welcomed to see colophon for trivia about me and the site, links for online resources and tools I frequent, and now for my current interests.



Kimi 长上下文试用

Kimi 长上下文目前版本的优点在于,能够有效读取复杂文档,准确完成事实查询和要点提炼,可以满足从长篇幅或大批量文本中提取信息的需求。但不足在于,对于文档的深度理解和逻辑推理能力、以及在多轮对话中遵守用户指令的能力,还有较大提高空间。因此,对于需要深入理解特定领域知识的任务,Kimi 还无法完全满足需求,或至少需要一定程度的人工校验和调整。

Revising the About Page

I decided to rewrite the page as part of the annual housekeeping of the site. In past years, I’ve done enough fiddling by migrating between site generators and experimenting with stylesheets. But this year, I feel perfectly content with my current setup, making the about page an obvious target for improvement with the spared efforts.


This was the email I wrote as my feedback for a reading-themed podcast miniseries in celebration of the lunar new year of the dragon. The original was slightly edited to address issues of typos, punctuation, and style.

Trivia Thailandiae

I’ve recently spent four days in Thailand, the venue for our first team retreat since the back-to-normal time. There were twenty-five of us. Our itinerary included visits to Bangkok and Pattaya, with a short spin on Ko Samui. I appreciated and enjoyed the trip and think it’s worth a few words to mark it, hence this post.


尽管面临一些合理质疑,1Password 对于大多数用户仍然是最省心的选择,定价相对于提供的服务水平也是合理的。如果你纯粹因为价格因素而想逃离 1Password,那么你最好的选择可能是继续使用 1Password。对于有一定动手能力的用户,用 Bitwarden 或 KeePass 等开源方案替代 1Password 是可行的,并且使用体验相比前几年已经有所改善。相对而言,KeePass 的初始配置门槛更低,Bitwarden 则在功能上更为完善。


AeroSpace 的天才之处在于,它完全回避了与冥顽不灵的 macOS 原生桌面做任何合作或是斡旋,而是以几乎有点冷幽默的方式,另起炉灶打造出一组「虚拟桌面」。毫不夸张地说,这是我目前在 macOS 上见过效果最好的平铺式窗口管理。

谈生成式 AI 服务的「知识产权承诺」

「知识产权承诺」政策成为了生成式 AI 服务商争相跟进的对象,但世界上没有无缘无故的爱。


搜索引擎或许注定就是一个倾向于自然垄断的市场,但 Kagi 的使命也不是撬开由巨头把手的大门。像一把精致的钥匙,Kagi 能为一部分不愿视角被局限的人开启一扇窗,这就足以成为存在的意义和可尊重的成就。

RichVision RV100, or the Studio Display for commoners

RV100 给我的印象尚可,做到了它宣称能做的,不增不减。花多少钱办多少事,没有太多可抱怨的。但如果未来视野的「未来视野」是想比一般 DIY 品牌更长久、更有影响力,那么从产品到宣传,各方面要打磨的细节还有很多。